Halti HQ’s Emissions Decreased - Green Office Work Continues

Halti HQ’s Emissions Decreased - Green Office Work Continues

Halti's headquarters in Sipoo received WWF's Green Office certification in 2022. This shows that Halti takes environmental issues into account in its premises, decision-making, and operations. WWF Green Office is an environmental system aimed at offices and workplaces, providing tools for assessing the environmental impact of the office and committing to reducing environmental load in accordance with the principles of continuous improvement. Halti headquarters is audited by WWF every three years, and Halti reports annually on the results achieved in WWF's reporting system.

"2023 was the first year for us to compare our own operations to the previous year. It's pleasing to note that our overall consumption and emissions decreased compared to 2022. The most significant factor contributing to this success was the heating method, as we were able to save energy significantly compared to the previous year. However, compared to 2022, emissions of transportation and procurement increased at Halti headquarters”, says Laura Roman, Head of Operations responsible for Halti's sustainability matters.

For a few years now, Halti has had a dedicated Green Office team responsible for implementing Green Office work throughout the organization. The team includes representatives from each of Halti's work teams, and anyone who considers the matter close to heart can join.

"The Green Office team organizes internal events, provides guidelines for sustainable commuting, waste recycling, responsible catering, and sustainable procurement, for example. Environmental work means small daily choices, and one of the tasks of our Green Office team is to remind ourselves and our colleagues of these important choices," says Pirjo Akkanen, Personnel Manager and member of Halti’s Green Office team.

For 2024, Halti has set the goal to further increase awareness of environmental work among the staff. Another challenging goal is to keep emissions of procurement in today’s level, even though the business grows. Halti also aims to reduce printing and mixed waste, and to switch electricity source to renewable energy.

"As a company aiming for international growth, inevitably, purchases and business trips will increase. Sometimes it's challenging to find places for emission reduction, but by using the consumption meter provided by Green Office and examining our daily behavior, we will surely find room for improvement in every area," concludes Laura Roman.

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