Halti shoes for different outdoor activities
Halti designs and manufactures a wide range of shoes for outdoor activities, training, and leisure time. The shoes are designed for different conditions and divided into categories according to the purpose of use. In this article, you will find tips for choosing just the right shoes for your purpose of use. Halti shoes are designed in Finland.
Hiking and trekking shoes
Trekking shoes with rigid and grippy rubber soles are suitable for hiking, even in difficult terrain. Halti uses Michelin and Vibram patented soles, specifically designed for hiking. Trekking shoes are often at least mid-cut style, to support and protect the ankle. The longer the hike and the more difficult the terrain, the sturdier and more protective the shoe should be. Hiking shoes are often waterproof and designed for long walks.
Outdoor shoes
Lighter and more flexible outdoor shoes are suitable for general outdoor activities, for example walking on forest paths, dirt roads and in the city. Halti's outdoor shoes are low or mid-cut, and generally waterproof DrymaxX® shoes. We use a lot of Halti’s own GripmaxX Antislip or Hiker sole, which has been praised for its flexibility and grip. Shoes with GripmaxX sole have a wider last, which gives the toes room to move. The shoes are not as sturdy as hiking boots, but they are more comfortable for shorter walks.
Spike shoes
Spike shoes are only suitable for outdoor use only, and meant for slippery, icy surfaces. Not recommended to use on asphalt or hard floor, as tuds may be even more slippery, and wear out quicker. Halti's studs are made of stainless steel and are embedded in a rubber sole during the casting stage, so they stay in place during use. Spike shoes are designed for winter use, so they are always waterproof and warm.
Friction sole shoes
Shoes with friction rubber sole, also known as IceControl, are an alternative to spike shoes. They are more versatile, as they also work on asphalt and indoors. The properties of grip soles do not quite match the grip of spike shoes on ice, but the grip is better than a normal rubber sole. Halti is collaborating with Michelin for specially designed IceControl rubber sole meant for ice and packed snow. It can be campared to car’s friction winter tyres, similar rubber compound. Designed for winter use, these shoes are all waterproof and warm. Explore friction sole shoes here.
Halti's shoe selection includes sandals suitable for different purposes. The sandals designed for walking and off-road have a flexible and shock-absorbing Phylon midsole, a sturdy rubber outsole and an ergonomically designed footbed. The straps of the cover are sturdy and can be adjusted with velcro for a suitable fit.
Leisure shoes
Halti's leisure shoes combine practicality, good features, and a sporty look. The selection includes different shoes for different leisure activities; sporty sneakers with super comfortable BoomaxX midsole and breathable upper, and more casual light weight leisure shoes for travel and sumemr days in city.
The shoe size marking is always indicative and refers to the length of the sole of the shoe. However, the fit is also affected by the width of the last and the circumference, which can vary between shoe models. The model and materials also affect the fit. Shoes are always made according to the selected standard and few people have standard feet. Halti's own last is relatively spacious, but we also use different lasts to offer options for different feet.
It is important to measure your foot correctly and choose the most suitable size according to the size chart. Shoes should always have a 5mm clearance at the toe, and this is good to consider when measuring the foot. The foot is measured by stepping evenly on the paper with the whole weight, drawing marks on the tips of the toe and heel, and measuring the straight line between the marks. The dimensions in
the shoe table are indicative, as there may be slight differences between the last and the models. The maximum differences are only +/- 2 mm.
Halti's shoes are made according to the international EU size standard, and the variability in fit is mostly caused by the width, extent, sole and thickness of the materials. To find a suitable fit, you can search for shoes with "regular", "generous" and "slim" fit. All are within the limits of normal dimensions and in accordance with the general standard, but for example the generous model is a little more spacious at the head and the slim model is a little narrower. The fit can be improved by changing the removable insole to a special insole.