Halti is the main sponsor and clothing supplier for the Finnish cross-country national team

Halti and the Finnish Ski Association have signed a cooperation agreement in regards to clothing supply for the national cross-country team for the next Olympiad. The agreement is a continuation of the cooperation with national Nordic combined and ski jumping team which started last season. With the cross-country national team cooperation Halti now controls the clothing supply of all Nordic skiing national teams.
This new agreement strengthens Halti's dominance in snow sports, while also creating a strong image as outdoor clothing and product manufacturer as well as the most prestigious Finnish premium level sports and outdoors brand.
"We are excited about the cooperation. Halti is made for people, for whom outdoor activities and being in nature is an important part of an active lifestyle. We want to inspire people to move around in nature, whether they're active athletes or busy city-dwellers who just long for some peace. We believe, that as a Finnish brand, cross-country skiing and Nordic skiing give us the chance to reach the target demographic we want to reach" says Halti´ s CEO Sami Kiiski.
"The aim of this cooperation is to provide the best performance for the national teams in the form of latest clothing knowledge and to strengthen the role of Halti as the Finnish clothing supplier for snow sports. An important part of our product development is the feedback from the athletes throughout the demanding performance and varying conditions. On the basis of this dialogue we can ensure the continued development and competitiveness of our products ", adds Kiiski.
According to the cooperation agreement, Halti becomes the main partner of Cross-country Ski Team Finland. As a partner, Halti wants to communicate to consumers about the quality, functionality and responsibility of the product process. "Corporate responsibility in our product development and operation creates the basis for it all. Through this cooperation we also consider the success of Finnish top-level sports our responsibility."
Jari Töykkä, the Commercial Director of the Finnish Ski Association, is pleased with the agreement. The values of Halti and the teams are strongly similar and cooperation will benefit both parties.
"Interest towards cross-country skiing is growing among followers of the sport and active people. The TV ratings are top notch, and more and more young adults hit the trails as well. According to recent research, popularity of cross-country skiing and interest towards it is growing strong specifically among young adults. We are very pleased that we have reached such a comprehensive and strategic cooperation with Halti. We're starting this cooperation with Halti and the cross-country national team with great enthusiasm" says Töykkä.
The cooperation agreement between Halti and the Finnish Ski Association will continue until 2022. The contract period includes both Seefeld 2019 and Oberstdorf 2021 World Championships and Beijing Olympic Winter Games 2022.