To reduce our product carbon footprint, we are increasing the use of recycled or renewable material in our products. Using recycled materials can reduce the PCF 44-80% depending on fiber type. This means that using recycled fiber can account for 10-20% smaller PCF in one product.
In our SS21 collection, 75% of the products have recycled material, whereas 81% of the products in the SS22 collection. The recycled polyester we use is from PET-bottles and the recycled nylon comes from post - industrial textile waste material.
Substitutingone metric ton of virgin polyester with its recyclable counterpart can reduce toxic substances by up to 90%, energy consumption by 60% and emissions by up to 40%. And, according to studies, recycled nylon reduces emissions by 26% compared to virgin nylon. At the moment most of the cotton we use is organic but in SS21 all our cotton products will have 100% organic cotton. It is estimated that replacing conventional cotton with organic can save 62% of the primary energy demand (for more information please read here).
Additionally, we are focusing on cleaner dye techniques for our materials that reduce the water consumption. By eliminating a wet dyeing process, money is saved on water and chemicals, and energy savings are also achieved.
As an outdoor brand, most of Halti’s performance materials contain polyester or polyamide. For example, a single polyester t-shirt has emissions of 5.5 kg CO2e, compared to a cotton t-shirt which has 2.1 kg CO2e emissions. But, while the environmental impact of these polyester/polyamide fibers is big, also the reduction of the environmental impact is big when switching from virgin to recycled material. Here are few examples:
In seam sealed, waterproof, windproof and breathable performance jackets, over the entire lifetime a total of 72.7 kg of CO2-eq. are emitted, 2.08 m3 fresh water and 992 MJ of primary energy are consumed (see reference here). By switching to recycled polyester in this product type we are able to reduce the impact to 60,34 kg of CO2-eq.
Producing of non-taped performance polyester jacket generates 15kg tCO2 emissions but switching to recycled polyester, the emission generation is only 12,45 kg of CO2-eq.
And in windproof and breathable hiking boots, over the entire lifetime, a total Global Warming Potential of 27.1 kg of CO2-eq. are emitted, Freshwater Eutrophication of 0.00734 kg and 476.5 MJ of primary energy are consumed (see reference here). But by switching to recycled material, the global warming potential can be lowered to 22,49 kg of CO2-eq.
Our cartons and plastic polybags are recyclable. We have 95% recycled plastic content in our FW20/21 bulk production polybags and in SS21 season we will have 100% recycled plastic polybags.
In 2020 we used 178 kg plastic polybags and 4776 kg of cartons in our bulk production logistics. The carbon footprint of our plastic (LDPE or PET, poyethylene) bags was 7 CO2/kg in 2020. By changing our polybags to recycled plastic, we are able to reduce the carbon footprint, according to studies, by 24%.
Our target is to ensure that all our plastic packaging is reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025 in the countries where we sell our products. We’re looking at packaging waste in the context of the local recycling infrastructure. If systems are in place to recycle packaging – and capture the value contained in the packaging that’s been thrown away – this reduces the overall environmental impact of the packaging waste.
We have production in several countries overseas, in Europe but also in Finland. Our transport from Asia to Finland mainly occurs by sea freight, while transport from European producers to our central warehouse to stores mainly take place by sea and road.
Over the past three years, the number of transportations from our suppliers to our warehouse has decreased and in consequence emissions of GHG have decreased by 7,67% from 759757 (kg CO2-eq) tons CO2e in 2018 to 701458 (kg CO2-eq) tons CO2e in 2020.
Even though our air freight in 2020 did increase to 4,63% since 2020 was a turbulent year, where neither we nor our suppliers managed to fully work according to plan and fast delivery had to be prioritized on some occasions, the CO2e -Well-to-wheel(kg) emissions were less than in 2018.
In 2018 Total 603832kg = 820,33 Emission per transported volume - CO2e -Well-to-wheel (g/tonne-km/-g/TEU-km), whereas in 2020 538857kg= 755,25 Emission per transported volume - CO2e -Well-to-wheel (g/tonne-km/-g/TEU-km).
By using 3D design program, we have reduced the amount of salesman samples over 50% from SS20 to SS21. According to our logistics partner, air freight of the salesman samples from Asia to Finland equals to 299,6 Co2 (KG) less emissions with this 50% reduction.
Furthermore, all our downstream domestic parcel all climate neutral by POSTI and our international courier parcel are climate neutral by our logistics partner UPS.
We think sustainability is a design issue. We have created a concept called “born to be recycled” – in these products the whole life cycled of the products is carefully taught of already when designing them. We design products that last time and wear, are easy to fix, and once they are not for you, or anyone else, anymore, they are easy to recycle. A perfect example of this is our 100% recyclable Next Generation Jacket and Reissu DrymaxX® 3L Jacket.
We encourage our customers to use our products as long as possible, fix them and recycle them forward.
No-one can save the world on their own, but we can work wonders by working together, one step at a time. We are members of central networks that promote and demand responsibility and sustainability. We participate actively in different projects to promote responsibility and sustainability throughout product lifecycles.
* Since 2010, our amfori BSCI membership has guided our procurement activities. This helps us to build fair working conditions and see to the rights of our subcontractors’ employees. The amfori Code of Conduct (amfori Code of Conduct) is based on international conventions.
* We are a bluesign® system partner. This helps us to supervise and monitor our subcontractors in very high detail. The bluesign® standard consists of four principles: productive resources, consumer safety, minimised emissions released to the air and water, and occupational safety and health. The bluesign® partnership also gives us valuable and studied information about sustainable development solutions.
* As a member of the FIBS corporate responsibility network, we take active part in society to promote financial, social and ecological sustainability and to maintain our awareness.
* As a member of the European Outdoor Group organisation, we participate in sustainable development projects and obtain first-hand information about matters related to our industry.
* We are a member of Scandinavian Outdoor Group. We set up networks with other members and share our expertise in sustainability with others.
* We are a member of Finnish Textile & Fashion and participate in its sustainable development projects, obtaining first-hand information about sustainability in our industry.